Thank you to everyone who joined us June 8 & 9 at our Italian Feast!
We hope you will join us at our next event
Sunday, August 25, 2024 ~ Member Picnic
Members are welcome to bring guests
Check back soon for Additional Details & Pricing
Casa Italia
1621 N 39th Ave, Stone Park, IL 60165
A glimpse to the past
Thank you, Greg Cilano, for sharing your father's copy of the Crucifix di Ciminna 1956 Ad Book. What an amazing piece of our Chicago Ciminna history!
Crucifix di Ciminna was a Mutual Benefit Association that began in 1906. We know it existed at least through 1956 which is the year of their Golden Jubilee promoted with this ad book. Within these pages are the names of each member of the association by lodge and advertisements from local Chicago businesses.
2024 Feast
Maryville & Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe - 1170 N River Road, Des Plaines, IL
More photos coming soon!
Sponsorship Opportunities
We are looking for donations for the horse parade ~ furriata r'i torci, food vendors, vada participants, and company sponsors to post their banners at our event.
If you are interested in sponsoring our events, please contact one of our executive members or complete this form.

Faith in Action
Participating and carrying the SS. Crocifisso and San Giovanni Bosco is a tradition handed down for many generations. It is a privilege and an honor passed on to us. Whether you are Italian or not, may your faith draw you to attend our event. We welcome everyone!
Join the men carrying the vada of SS. Crocifisso and/or San Giovanni Bosco.
Newly Designed Marian Chapel Altar
Marian Chapel at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been remodeled with SS. Crocifisso once again centered at the front altar providing a beautiful sacred place for all pilgrims to pray and come closer to God.

View photos and videos from our past past events.
Our Story
In the fall of 2017, SS. Crocifisso Society and San Giovanni Bosco Society joined together as Societá SS. Crocifisso San Giovanni Bosco di Ciminna (Chicago). We hope to expand our reach and continue to extend our united society to new members. Anyone who is devote to the Holy Cross and to San Giovanni Bosco can be sponsored to join our society. We welcome you to participate in our wonderful non-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and maintaining the religious welfare of the Italian community in Chicagoland.

Contact Us...
If you would like to know more about our non-profit organization, our events, or if you would like to join our society, please contact us.
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